Friday 16 January 2015

Coffee Drinking-Is Healthy, For Sure!!!

We love a hot cup of coffee and tea anytime of the day. Both the drinks serve as an energy drink and people all across the world love having them any time of the day. On an average, coffee and tea drinkers gulp down anywhere from two to four cups in a day.
Now… far as coffee is concerned, is it providing the people who drink it any health benefits?
Coffee beans do consist of healthy nutrients that help our body. The good additives that are used with coffee powder promote extremely good health benefits for us.
Sipping healthier coffee provides you double benefits.
You can nowadays notice choice in healthy coffee offered by several cafes. So, visit the nearest cafe to have the experience of drinking healthy coffee and healthy tea, as well.
It is always good for every one of us to see the benefits of healthy coffee and not just get used to it ourselves, however involve others to change over from the basic alternative to healthy one.
There are many debates as well as arguments that keep taking place in the context of, for and against having coffee. But, if it makes good sense in terms of health and monetary benefit for you, why will you or anyone for that matter not think about having healthy coffee with healthy additives.
Following are few quick instructions on how to drink coffee with a healthy bend:
  • Have coffee after you have food in your belly (having it on an unfilled stomach means more adrenaline as well as blood sugar imbalances)
  • Have coffee in the morning vs. the late afternoon or evening
  • Prefer sipping over gulping
  • Try out espresso vs. drip coffee
  • Try out some organic varieties
  • Get the hang of your caffeine limit (what's your jitter scale?)
  • If you are a hardcore coffee fan, choose one time in the morning and a different time before 2pm, if you absolutely want a second coffee boost
  • Call a friend and plan a social coffee shop visit once a week!
Well…..there are a lot of benefits when it comes to the health benefits of drinking coffee.
But, do remember these quick instructions about how to make use of coffee the correct way.
Coffee can as well as should be used as a valuable brew.
Coffee offers us with pleasure as well as ample physical protection, so drink it in a cafe in the company of your friends and family.
For more details visit about Hot Beverages, Flavored Coffee log on Barista .

Friday 19 December 2014

Cafe Chains- Going Healthy


Cafe dining fans have a growing expectation to find healthy food as well as beverage varieties on the menu. Whether managing diabetes or a heart state through diet, or just being more careful of healthy eating practices, guests are nowadays well-versed about nutritional value and consider how every meal or snack choice will play a part in their overall nutritional goals.

Because of this consumer awareness as well as increasing demand, almost every Coffee bar has a choice of healthy menu items in every service of their menu rotation. These healthy varieties don't essentially replace common menu preferences like Pizza, pasta; however offer a variety of healthy choices to café visitors, as well. Whether the guest chooses a chicken salad considered as heart healthy, or chooses to treat himself with a cheese sandwich along with fries, the choice is left up to the guest.

Well….how do you measure the performance of healthy options on the menu, and decide which ones should stay in rotation, and which ones should be replaced with more interesting choices? 

continental breakfast food

To track healthy meal sales, all menu items in the catalogue folder of the Coffee Bar POS System should be added to a suitable section, and after that arranged further into a sub section or sub category. Mark one of your sub sections "Healthy" to track sales. Let's say, an egg white omelet can be added to the breakfast section, then after that sorted into the sub section of Healthy. A vegetable wrap might be included in the lunch section, then included in the sub section. So, with this classification, both the egg white omelet as well as the vegetable wrap will appear in the "Healthy" sub section, which will make tracing and matching their past sales facts, a stress-free procedure. Depending upon your POS system's reporting capacities, an alternative approach is to make a Healthy Section, then make sub sections of continental breakfast , lunch, etc. and then make reports via the Healthy Department as a categorization method. With whichever method, sales account reporting is at one’s disposal to track the Coffee bar Healthy item sales.

Nowadays, there are many café chains that follow this custom of including healthy food options in their menu for their health conscious customers. So that, such conscious people are able to have a good time with their friends and family once they visit and suggest the café brand to others, as well.

For more details about coffee and tea visit

Monday 24 November 2014

Coffee shops- Ideal place to chillax

coffee and tea

On its own, coffee is only a drink. A pretty extraordinary drink, but still, only a drink. It’s the people who grow, source, prepare, drink as well as share coffee who change it from routine to habit, from product to experience. For majority of us, our day hasn't started till we have our cup of coffee in the morning. Many countries including India very much runs on this stuff. That is the reason why people call it "liquid gold."

 Gone are the days when cafes were rare to grab a cup of Joe, particularly in India. But, today the country is beyond blessed with its range of coffee shops. And although they are all serving caffeine – but still no two cafes are alike. A few are good for sitting as well as chatting with friends while drinking a specially-made flavored coffee; others are better for a quick on-the-go coffee run; few roast their individual beans; others enrich their coffee drinking experience with a range of pastries.

Hazelnut Mocha

So, now don’t rely on the awful office coffee machine to provide you that energy boost first thing in the morning, just visit the nearest coffee house. India has some awesome coffee shops for meetings; therefore why not get an expert barista to prepare coffee for you, at the same time as you giddily try to choose which muffin to have before your client reaches the cafe.

If you're in search of a silent place to work on your laptop, read a book or just sit in peace, then also you can visit a coffee shop.

As there are a lot of coffee shops in India, there are many online sites for your assistance, to help you zero in your choices when you're in need of some caffeine.

Caffe Americano

Once you visit these places, you’ll be able to pick from a range of choices, together with iced coffee, hot chocolate, mojitos or an extensive range of teas.
There is moreover a good choice of cakes, pastries as well as sandwiches on offer. More options are like chicken salad, different varieties of pasta and more.

Let’s end with one good news for all coffee lovers: In an effort to make coffee available and more famous all over the nation, particularly in tea dominated northern India, the Indian Coffee Board is all set to introduce a program to train people all over the nation to be excellent baristas.

For more details about coffee shop menu visit

Monday 27 October 2014

Types Of Coffee Beans: A Short Introduction

                             Caffe Latte Mug 

A popular hot and cold beverage, coffee is extremely popular in almost all the regions of the world. However, the flavor and taste of coffee is affected by a number of factors. These factors include coffee bean, type of bean, region in which the bean was grown and roast type. This article hopes to highlight the main factors that affect the taste and flavor of coffee that you drink.

Coffee shops all over the world have a wide selection of blends and flavors of coffee like iced coffee, cappuccino and espresso. So while some may enjoy a blend that has the same color and consistency, others tend to like their coffee light and accompanied by sugar and cream. In other words, when you are aware of the coffee blend and flavor, you will find it easier to choose the cup that suits your taste buds in the perfect manner.

The first thing to keep in mind is the coffee bean variety as that impacts the quality of coffee to a great degree. There are two varieties of coffee bean produced in the world namely coffee Arabica and coffee Robusta. Some of the major coffee-growing in the world are the Americas (South and Central American Countries), Exotics (Jamaica and Hawaii), the Pacific (Sumatra and Java) and Africa (Kenya and Ethiopia). The variations in regions, climates and soil type results in very different flavors and coffee bean types. It is always a good idea to ensure that you go to coffee shops that use Arabica beans as this has a much higher quality as compared to Robusta and is used to make more than seventy per cent of the coffee in the world.

cold coffee

Arabica beans are produced from Cofea Arabica which is native to east Africa and Arabian peninsula. This bean grows well in warm and temperate environment (20 degree Celsius) and at an ideal altitudes of 1300-1500 meters or 3000 meters above sea level. Arabica coffee is made from the seed or bean of the coffee plant, where farmers pick the berries and remove the flesh. After this the beans are washed, dried and roasted before being sold to various coffee homes around the world. Coffee trees producing this variety of bean may be planted and harvested throughout the year, or there may be a specific planting and harvesting season. Further, in comparison with robusta beans, Arabica coffee beans contain less caffeine content.

Second most popular coffee bean, robusta coffee is much more easier to cultivate and therefore priced lower than Arabica. These beans have double the caffeine content and are more bitter in taste as compared to Arabica coffee beans. In addition, they are grown in low altitudes like Brazil and West Africa. Further, robusta beans tend to have a much higher crop yield than Arabica trees due to its resistance to disease and pests. Kopi luwak, is a robusta coffee variety that is grown in Indonesia and is relatively popular and expensive.

Coffee beans cannot be directly used to make beverages until they are roasted properly. The coffee beans are picked and sent to their destination before they are roasted to ensure the beans are at maximum freshness when they are served. It goes without saying that a certain roast will give you different flavors than other roasts. Some of the major types of roasts are
American roast (beans are medium-roasted for a fairly moderate flavor), French roast (strong roasted resulting in deep, chocolate brown color and strong flavor), Italian roast (predominantly for espresso drinks because of its strong flavor and brown-black appearance), European Roast (blend of roasts consisting of around two-thirds heavy roast and one-third regular roast) and Viennese Roast (a blend of roasts, it consists of one-third heavy roast and two-thirds regular roast).

Today, the market is filled with a variety of coffee which integrates the best of taste and flavor. Ice cream coffee is one such variety that combines the amazing flavor of coffee with ice cream to create a new and distinctive flavor. So over all when you are aware of the different flavor and aroma of coffee, you will be in a position to select the best flavor and blend that suit your taste and choice in the perfect manner.

For more details about coffee shop menu visit

Monday 22 September 2014

The World's Top 3 Producers Of Coffee


Considered as one of the most popular beverage in the world, coffee and tea are consumed in almost all the regions of the world. Tea is considered as a very healthy drink, and is available in different varieties such as black, green, white and many more. Many studies have proven that tea contains antioxidants, where more the concentrated the actual tea, the greater the health benefits it will have. Coffee is also a very popular hot beverage which has a lot of health benefits. In addition, coffee is an extremely good medium to stimulate and energize the human body as well.

Having a humble beginning in Africa, coffee cultivation soon spread to many regions around the world, eventually forming a belt roughly bounded by the Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. Coffee is ideally grown in regions that have moderate sunshine and rain, steady temperatures around 70 degree Fahrenheit and rich/porous soil. Coffee cultivation is also the main source of livelihood for more than 25 million people across the globe, and has a monetary value that is surpassed only by oil. There are two main types of coffee beans cultivated in the world namely Arabica and Robusta where Arabica plants produce better beans and about 70 per cent of the harvest. Robusta beans on the other hand account only for 30 per cent of the total cultivation. In this article we look at the top three coffee producing nations in the world.

Brazil: Coffee production began in Brazil in the early 18th century and was quickly adopted by the country. Currently Brazil is responsible for about a third of all the coffee produced in the world, making it the world's largest producer and exporter of this drink. In addition, Brazil is the only country that is subject to frost, yet manages to produce coffee in such huge quantities. Some of the notable beans from this region include Bahia and Bourbon Santos.

Columbia: The only South American country with access to both the Atlantic and Pacific ports, Columbia has a massive advantage when it comes to shipping. The crop’s economic importance is such that all cars entering Colombia are sprayed for harmful bacteria. Most of the coffee production of the country takes place in the moist, temperate foothills of Andes. Some of the important beans produced in this region include Medellin, Supremo, Bogotá

Indonesia: The third largest producer of coffee in the world, Indonesia began producing coffee in 1696. and this has played an important role in the growth of the country. Indonesia's location is ideal for the growth and development of coffee plantations. So while the country produces both Arabica and Robusta beans, the Arabica coffee beans are more popular as they have low acidity and strong body. This makes this coffee bean ideal for blending with higher acidity coffee from central America and East Africa. Further, some of the world's best Arabica are still produced on Java as well as on Sumatra, Sulawesi, and Flores, but the Indonesian is most notable as the world’s largest producer of Robusta beans. Some of the popular beans from this country include Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi (Celebes).

Today with the rise of modern coffee shops in almost all parts of the world, almost every country either exports or grows coffee in bulk. In addition, these coffee shops also have a varied coffee menu from Caffe Americano to Cappuccino that are made by using some of the most finest coffee beans in the world. In fact, Cappuccino is considered as one of the world's most popular and well-known coffee. Additionally, as people are growing more health conscious, new varieties of low calorie coffee are also gaining immense popularity among various categories of people. In other words, the coffee culture is a phenomenon that is today spread across all major towns and cities around the world.

For more details visit

Thursday 28 August 2014

5 Incredible Facts About The Global Coffee Industry

coffee menu

Coffee is one of the most popular and common drink in the world. It is consumed by a lot of people at almost all the hours of the day be it morning, evening or night. The increasing popularity of coffee has led to the creation of numerous coffee houses that provide a number of facilities to the customers. From WiFi to exemplary services, these coffee shops are international and modern in the true sense. Today, the export of coffee is worth more than USD 20 billion dollars with drinkers in almost all parts of the globe. In this article we look at some of the most incredible facts that make the coffee industry one of the most amazing and unique industry in the world.

Fact 1: After crude oil, the most sought after commodity in the world is coffee
This is no surprise as coffee is consumed in almost every part of the world. With a net worth of USD 100 billion, worldwide, coffee is ahead of many commodities like natural gas oil, sugar and corn.

Fact 2: Across the world, people drink almost 500 billion of coffee every year
As coffee is consumed in almost all the regions of the world, it is no surprise that people consume so much coffee in a year. So even though there are many varieties of coffee served in coffee homes, the most popular is Italian espresso coffee. This is proved by the fact that out of 500 billion cups of coffee consumed every year, 14 billion is Italian espresso. Fact 3: A cup of coffee has more caffeine than a cup of tea

Caffe Latte Mug

Tea (including black tea, green tea, white tea, oolong tea, etc.) tends to have about 15-70 mg of caffeine per 8 oz. cup, whereas the same size cup of coffee tends to have about 80-135 mg of caffeine. By dry weight however, tea has more caffeine than coffee. But a cup of coffee has more caffeine simply because the amount of coffee bean required to make a cup of coffee is more than the amount of tea required to make the same. 

Fact 4: Coffee farms provide livelihood to over 25 million people
Coffee plays a very important role in the livelihoods of millions of households in developing countries. Currently almost 75% of the world’s coffee is produced by small-scale farmers in countries of Asia, South America, Central America and Caribbean. Additionally, almost 67 per cent of the world's coffee is grown in the American countries alone. In other words, 90 per cent of the entire production of coffee takes place in developing countries and most of it is consumed in developed countries. The top three producers of coffee are Brazil, Vietnam and Columbia. 

Fact 5: There are only two types of coffee namely Arabica and robusta

Although there are many varieties of coffee available in coffee shops like Hazelnut Mocha, Crème Caramel Latte, Caffe Twist in reality there are only two types of coffee beans that are grown commercially. These are arabica and robusta. These two varieties differ in taste, growing conditions and price. Arabica beans tend to have a sweeter, softer taste, with tones of sugar, fruit, and berries. They also tend to have a higher acidity, with that winey taste that characterizes coffee with excellent acidity.

Robusta, on the other hand has a stronger, harsher taste, with a grain-like overtone and peanutty aftertaste. They contain twice as much caffeine as Arabica beans, and are generally considered to be of inferior quality when compared to Arabica. Some robustas seeds are however of high quality and valued especially in espressos because they give it a deep flavor and good crema.

Hazelnut Mocha

Today, coffee shops around the world cater to customers all around the world by offering them an amazing coffee experience coupled with modern facilities. Many varieties of coffee like Hazelnut Mocha, Crème Caramel Latte, Caffe Twist, cappuccino, flavored coffee and espresso continue to enjoy immense popularity among the customers. In other words, coffee shops have and will continue to remain an integral part of society for the coming generation as well. 

For more details visit

Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Growth And Development Of Coffee Shops


Today, if you want to find out the latest business news or stock exchange prices, keep up with entertainment gossip or know reviews about the latest movie or book, where would you go? The answer is pretty simple: you log on to the world wide web or the internet. Around three centuries ago, people used to do the same in coffee shops. There for the price of a cup of coffee, you could read the latest newsletters, catch up on news or gossip, strike a business deal or even have a discussion with other people on literature or politics.

The coffee homes that are today an integral part of the culture and landscape of many modern cities, first sprung up across Europe in the year 1650 and were considered as meeting point for writers, businessmen and scientists. Like the internet today, most of the coffee houses provided various types of information on a variety of topics from business to entertainment to politics. Based on the interest of the customers, the information provided by these units differed from place to place. Further, rumors, news and gossip were also communicated between patrons and owners of coffee owners, increasing the popularity of these units. Sometimes, runners would even run from one coffee-house to the next with major news like outbreak of war or death of a head of state. In other words, coffee houses were centres of communication of different kinds be it scientific, literary. philosophical, commercial etc.

Considered to have originated in the highlands of Ethiopia, coffee beans were initially chewed rather than infused for invigorating effects. During the 15th century, coffee beans spread to the Islamic world where it become popular mainly due to the fact that it served as a good alternative to alcohol which was forbidden within the religion. In addition, coffee came to be regarded as something that used to reverse the effects of alcoholic drinks, sobering rather than intoxicating, stimulating mental activity and heightening perception rather than dulling the senses. Soon, coffee spread to European countries, first as medicine and later as social drinks. They quickly become centers of discussion and soon began an integral part of cultures and traditions all over the world.

Caffe Americano

Today, coffee shops are as varied and different depending on various factors like quality of coffee available, brands, service and popularity. Most of the coffee homes are now modern in nature and offer a host of facilities like free WiFi, allowing customers to check their mails and read online content, either on their phones or laptops. Further, espresso bar which is a type of coffeehouse that specializes in coffee beverages made from espresso are also gaining popularity. After having originated in Italy, these espresso bars have now spread to numerous countries around the world in various forms. These units are generally centered around a long counter with a high yield espresso machine (usually bean to cup machines that are either automatic or semi-automatic pump type machine, although they can be manual as well) and a display case having various eateries like pastries and sandwiches. Additionally the best and most varied coffee shops today have a variety of drinks like espresso, flavored coffee, cappuccino and cold coffee. With so many facilities and options, it is no wonder that the popularity of these coffee shops are increasing by the day.

For more details visit