Sunday 23 March 2014

How healthy is your coffee?

Next time you go to a cafe for having coffee, take a minute to think over what's in it.
Here, we explore the nutritional value of four diverse kinds of coffee. So, are you having a healthy coffee?

This strong-flavored drink is commonly offered after meal as 1 shot of black caffeine without any amount of milk. It consist of approximately eighty to hundred mg of caffeine, no protein, and almost 5 calories.
Nutritionist of London's Medical institution says: 'It has no nutritional value, however for those who like to lose weight, it has less calories. The high dosage of caffeine offers you a good refreshment to last you throughout the daytime.

Cappuccino is an espresso, laden with a good measure of steamed milk, prepared from full or fat-free form. It consist of approximately six grammes of protein from milk, a little measure of sodium as well as one hundred fifty calories, when prepared with whole milk and ninety-five when prepared with fat-free one.
Nutritionist says: 'Even though a cappuccino is not good for those thinking of losing weight, the ample measure of milk offers a great source of protein as well as calcium which is essential for bone health.'

A latte is prepared from an espresso and a lot more steamed milk, compared to a cappuccino coffee. Each consists of approximately ten grammes of protein from milk, five grammes of fat and approximately 225 calories when prepared with whole milk as well as 135 when prepared with fat-free one.
Nutritionist says: Having a large latte prepared from full cream milk is a great source of protein. If you wish to lessen your fat intake as well as calories, go for a 'skinny' latte consisting of fat-free milk - which has the similar measure of protein as well as calcium as full-fat.

A mocha is an espresso with steamed milk, cocoa syrup as well as whipped cream added into it. Due to its high fat content, it can consist of more calories than the majority of other coffees - 310 calories when prepared with full cream milk and 230 when prepared with fat-free milk. That's just about 10 grams of fat as well as eighty mg of caffeine.

Nutritionist says: It provides a good refreshment too, but is not that good as compared to an espresso italiano

Hope, the article provides you a good account on the health quotient of the coffee drinks.Now choose one and enjoy it in a cafe.